The Thomases’ Grand Antipodean Adventure (8) – Queenstown day one
A relaxing day in Queenstown After such busy days and new places everyday, we had organised three whole nights in Queenstown, at the Mercure Queenstown Resort hotel. This hotel had
Paul's ramblings
A relaxing day in Queenstown After such busy days and new places everyday, we had organised three whole nights in Queenstown, at the Mercure Queenstown Resort hotel. This hotel had
Collyer House to Queenstown (Otago) [googlemaps,+Cuttance+Rd,+Haast,+New+Zealand&daddr=Queenstown,+Otago,+New+Zealand&hl=en&geocode=FT4dYv0dqW4RCiFz7JGTnrGN1CkdepXYdgnVbDFz7JGTnrGN1A%3BFQbhUP0ddJYNCilf3qjX8R3VqTEApnmEhu8ABQ&aq=0&oq=queenstown&sll=-43.901077,168.914602&sspn=0.01124,0.022724&t=h&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&ll=-44.44263,169.043537&spn=1.184502,0.761741&output=embed&w=425&h=350] Haast Pass This was a day of travel (and we both had mild colds), but which showed how much contrast New Zealand has to
Okarito to Collyer House (Haast) via Fox Glacier [googlemaps,+New+Zealand&daddr=Collyer+House+Guest+Lodge,+Cuttance+Road,+Haast,+New+Zealand&hl=en&geocode=FZt1bP0drHkkCikdSJ2aDnApbTHw4nmEhu8ABQ%3BFT4dYv0dqW4RCiFz7JGTnrGN1CkdepXYdgnVbDFz7JGTnrGN1A&aq=0&oq=collyer&sll=-43.223653,170.162604&sspn=0.34274,0.727158&t=h&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&ll=-43.561484,169.579676&spn=0.680083,1.332465&output=embed&w=425&h=350] (click map / zoom out for full view) Segment six of our trip saw us wake up in our Hutel
Arthur’s Pass to Okarito The next day of our adventure sees us drive from Arthur’s Pass, to the tiny settlement of Okarito (population 30). Along the way we took a
Another Instalment It’s been a while since I last posted on this topic, and since there is still a lot of the trip to go, I’d better add another day.
As promised last time around, next stop on the trip was Sydney. Flight time from Singapore was about 7.5 hours, which wasn’t really enough for a solid night’s sleep between
Singapore Following on from my previous post, 12 and a half hours of flying later and we landed, about 1 degree north of the equator in the lovely city of