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Tag: Antipodean Adventure

Mrs T by Lake Tasman

The Thomases’ Grand Antipodean Adventure (14) – Mount Cook

We really didn’t have very long to spend in Dunedin, as we needed to be carrying on our journey. However, having experienced the “thrill” of a section of dual-carriageway as we entered the City, we parked up in the central area, and had a brief explore of the “First Church of Otago”, a rather superb 19th Century Church building in the European style. … Continue readingThe Thomases’ Grand Antipodean Adventure (14) – Mount Cook

The Thomases’ Grand Antipodean Adventure (7) – from the forest to the lakes

Collyer House to Queenstown (Otago) [googlemaps,+Cuttance+Rd,+Haast,+New+Zealand&daddr=Queenstown,+Otago,+New+Zealand&hl=en&geocode=FT4dYv0dqW4RCiFz7JGTnrGN1CkdepXYdgnVbDFz7JGTnrGN1A%3BFQbhUP0ddJYNCilf3qjX8R3VqTEApnmEhu8ABQ&aq=0&oq=queenstown&sll=-43.901077,168.914602&sspn=0.01124,0.022724&t=h&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&ll=-44.44263,169.043537&spn=1.184502,0.761741&output=embed&w=425&h=350] Haast Pass This was a day of travel (and we both had mild colds), but which showed how much contrast New Zealand has toContinue readingThe Thomases’ Grand Antipodean Adventure (7) – from the forest to the lakes

The Thomases’ Grand Antipodean Adventure (6) – Along the West Coast in sunshine

Okarito to Collyer House (Haast) via Fox Glacier [googlemaps,+New+Zealand&daddr=Collyer+House+Guest+Lodge,+Cuttance+Road,+Haast,+New+Zealand&hl=en&geocode=FZt1bP0drHkkCikdSJ2aDnApbTHw4nmEhu8ABQ%3BFT4dYv0dqW4RCiFz7JGTnrGN1CkdepXYdgnVbDFz7JGTnrGN1A&aq=0&oq=collyer&sll=-43.223653,170.162604&sspn=0.34274,0.727158&t=h&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&ll=-43.561484,169.579676&spn=0.680083,1.332465&output=embed&w=425&h=350] (click map / zoom out for full view) Segment six of our trip saw us wake up in our HutelContinue readingThe Thomases’ Grand Antipodean Adventure (6) – Along the West Coast in sunshine