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Cricket time again

Since the International cricket season has now kicked off, I should get back to what I like doing, which is pontificating about it! Since I failed to watch any of today’s play (no satellite), I only have the Cricinfo(TM) commentary to go on, so there’s not really very much I can say!

An excellent day’s work from England’s new no. 3 Bopara – some might suggest that Bell’s weight of runs in County Cricket so far, or Vaughan’s reputation should have secured one of them the slot, and I for one would have liked Vaughan to have a final chance to demonstrate his undoubted talent, but Bopara has silenced the critics today, albeit with the help of some hopeless catching. Hopefully he can press on with the tail tomorrow.

At the top of the order, Cook again did the hard work and then failed, and will need to convert at least one start in this series if he is to be a serious contender in the Ashes – although I suspect he’ll play anyway, in the absence of anyone else good enough. The in-form batsman, Strauss didn’t really get going, and KP didn’t get a chance.

Lower down, Broad continues to impress with the bat, and a test century is only a matter of time away. Swann, a man with a first-class best of 183, is a very able no.9, and England for once have an impressively long batting line up.

West Indies, despite being let down by their catching, will be fairly happy with the scoreline at the end of the day, and if Edwards can complete his 5-wicket haul early on the Second Day, they will think themselves in an excellent position.